The Special Rapporteur can intervene directly with governments on alleged human rights violations that relate to extreme poverty.

He does this by means of letters, which can take the form of either an urgent appeal or an ordinary communication. Such an intervention can relate to a human rights violation that has already occurred, is ongoing, or which has a high risk of occurring. The process involves sending a letter to the concerned State identifying the facts of the allegation, applicable international human rights norms and standards, concerns and questions, and a request for follow-up action. In some cases, communications are also sent to inter-governmental organizations or non-State actors, such as private corporations.

Communications may deal with individual cases, general patterns and trends of human rights violations, cases affecting a particular group or community, or the content of draft or existing legislation, or policy or practice considered not to be fully compatible with international human rights standards.

More information on communications, including how to submit information to the Special Rapporteur, is available here.

A full list of communications, including communications issued with other Special Rapporteurs, is available here.