UN experts urge all parties to accept Gaza ceasefire and deliver on justice, humanitarian aid and Palestinian self-determination (17 January 2025)
Syria: Experts advocate for sovereignty, democratic reconstruction and respect for human rights (20 December 2024)
‘ICC arrest warrants can help save lives, must be respected and complied with’: UN experts (26 November 2024)
G20: Leaders must show courage to tax the super-rich to rescue 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, say experts (15 November 2024)
COP29: States must prioritise effective climate action and sufficient finance in accordance with human rights, say experts (11 November 2024)
La economía obsesionada por el crecimiento crea una «crisis de salud mental oculta» para las personas en situación de pobreza: Experto de la ONU (25 de octubre)
Sudan faces one of the worst famines in decades, warn UN experts (17 October 2024)
International financial system ‘not fit for purpose’ to address catastrophic debt crisis: UN poverty expert (17 October 2024)
7 October: UN experts call for end of violence and accountability after year of human loss and suffering and blatant disregard for international law (7 October 2024)
Lebanon: UN experts deplore Israel’s increasing disregard for international law (4 October 2024)
Indonesia: UN experts warn of irreparable harm to Indigenous Peoples’ rights ahead of AIIB loan disbursement and MotoGP race (24 September 2024)
No habrá paz en Colombia mientras exista segregación social: experto de la ONU en pobreza (4 septiembre 2024)
Experto de la ONU sobre la pobreza visitará Colombia (22 agosto 2024)
Ecuador debe respetar la voluntad del pueblo y detener las actividades petrolíferas en el Parque Yasuní: Expertos independientes (20 agosto 2024)
UN experts commend launch of Women Parliamentarians Council (13 August 2024)
Acabar con la peligrosa fijación en el PIB como vía para erradicar la pobreza mundial: Experto de la ONU (2 julio 2024)
Governments must urgently scrap unfair laws criminalising homelessness and poverty: UN experts (25 June 2024)
UN experts condemn outrageous disregard for Palestinian civilians during Israel’s military operation in Nuseirat (14 June 2024)
UN experts urge all States to recognise State of Palestine (3 June 2024)
UN experts outraged by Israeli strikes on civilians sheltering in Rafah camps (29 May 2024)
Small Island Developing States summit: UN experts urge States and development banks to support endangered islands (23 May 2024)
Relief agency UNRWA targeted politically over partiality claims, funding must resume: UN experts (17 May 2024)
UN experts call for redoubling efforts to end discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity (17 May 2024)
Israel’s Rafah invasion must stop now, say UN experts (10 May 2024)
Israel/Gaza: Threats against the ICC promote a culture of impunity, say UN experts (10 May 2024)
Arms exports to Israel must stop immediately: UN experts (23 February 2024)
Sudan: 25 million people in dire humanitarian need, say UN experts (5 February 2024)
States must reinstate and strengthen support to UNRWA amid unfolding genocide in Gaza: UN experts (2 February 2024)
Gaza: ICJ ruling offers hope for protection of civilians enduring apocalyptic conditions, say UN experts (31 January 2024)
UN experts urge States to unite for peace and push for ceasefire in Gaza (8 December 2023)
UN experts urge shift towards human rights economy to prevent contemporary forms of slavery (1 December 2023)
Fossils fuels at the heart of the planetary environmental crisis: UN experts (30 November 2023)
Gaza: UN experts call on international community to prevent genocide against the Palestinian people (16 November 2023)
Amazon, DoorDash and Walmart are trapping workers in poverty: UN poverty expert (31 October 2023)
Experto en pobreza de la ONU: Los salarios deben reflejar la contribución a la sociedad, no solo la capacidad de generar beneficios (20 octubre 2023)
Ecuador: El aumento de la violencia debe ser una llamada de atención para abordar urgentemente la pobreza, dice un experto de la ONU (8 septiembre 2023) – KICHWA
Un experto de la ONU en pobreza visitará Ecuador (24 agosoto 2023)
Expertos de la ONU aplauden la celebración de la primera Cumbre de Latinoamérica y el Caribe sobre políticas tributarias (25 junio 2023)
El “trabajo garantizado” puede atender los desafíos más importantes de nuestro tiempo en materia de empleo: experto de la ONU (30 junio 2023)
UN experts back draft New York bill to ensure effective and fair debt relief: UN experts (8 June 2023)
Bangladesh must suspend pilot project to return Rohingya refugees to Myanmar: UN expert (8 June 2023)
United States: Abortion bans put millions of women and girls at risk, UN experts say (2 June 2023)
Bangladesh: UN experts decry devastating second round of rations cuts for Rohingya refugees (1 June 2023)
Bangladesh: Economic growth cannot justify keeping workers in poverty, says UN expert (29 May 2023) – BANGLA
States must tackle racism and stigma against LGBT persons (16 May 2023)
UN expert to visit Bangladesh to assess impact of poverty on human rights (10 May 2023) – BANGLA
Singapore: UN experts condemn continued use of death penalty for drug-related crimes (28 April 2023)
UN experts concerned over delay in Zambia’s debt restructuring (17 April 2023)
Water is a common good not a commodity: UN experts (22 March 2023)
Indonesia: UN experts alarmed by reports of increased militarisation and intimidation around Mandalika project (1 March 2023)
Genuine solidarity with earthquake survivors calls for lifting of sanction-induced restrictions: UN experts (10 February 2023)
UN experts intervene in toxic legacy class action against lead pollution (19 January 2023)
Afghanistan: Taliban’s outrageous exclusion of women and girls from universities is disastrous for everyone, say UN experts (21 December 2022)
Declaración de la ONU sobre los derechos de los campesinos y las campesinas: Expertos de la ONU llaman a la acción antes del aniversario (16 diciembre 2022)
Morocco: Visit by UN expert postponed (8 December 2022) – ARABIC
Comprehensive anti-discrimination legislation must be a priority, say UN experts ahead of Universal Declaration anniversary (7 December 2022)
UN expert to visit Morocco to assess the impact of poverty on human rights (29 November 2022) – ARABIC
Human rights experts support call for UN tax treaty (29 November 2022)
Prohibir la «aporofobia» del mismo modo que el racismo y el sexismo: Experto de la ONU (28 octubre 2022)
Increase benefits and wages in line with inflation or lives will be lost: UN poverty expert (17 October 2022)
UN experts condemn Israeli suppression of Palestinian human rights organisations (24 August 2022)
UN experts call for international investigation into 2020 Beirut explosion (3 August 2022)
Singapore: UN experts call for immediate moratorium on executions for drug offences (29 July 2022)
Lao dam disaster: UN experts decry lack of progress for survivors four years on (22 July 2022)
Millones de personas no tienen acceso a los derechos de protección social: experto de la ONU (24 junio 2022)
Tanzania: UN experts warn of escalating violence amidst plans to forcibly evict Maasai from ancestral lands (15 June 2022)
Kyrgyzstan: Invest in people to reduce human capital flight, says UN expert (3 June 2022) – RUSSIAN / KYRGYZ
UN experts urge action to address alarming increase of child labour in agriculture sector (30 May 2022)
Negotiations for international instrument on pandemic preparedness must be guided by human rights: UN experts (20 May 2022)
UN human rights expert to visit Kyrgyzstan to assess poverty (18 May 2022) – RUSSIAN / KYRGYZ
Las personas desplazadas LGBT enfrentan desafíos exacerbados cuando buscan refugio (16 mayo 2022)
Lebanon: UN expert warns of ‘failing State’ amid widespread poverty (11 May 2022) – ARABIC
Afghanistan: UN experts call on US Government to unblock foreign assets of central bank to ease humanitarian impact (25 April 2022)
UN experts call for end to Russian aggression against Ukraine and urgent protection of human rights (28 February 2022)
Afghanistan: Taliban attempting to steadily erase women and girls from public life – UN experts (17 January 2022)
Afghanistan: UN experts call for immediate action to stop escalating humanitarian catastrophe (23 December 2021)
Nepal must now deliver on promise of social justice – UN human rights expert (9 December 2021) – NEPALI
Statement by Professor Olivier De Schutter, United Nations Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights, on his visit to Nepal (8 December 2021) – NEPALI
35th anniversary UN Declaration on the Right to Development (3 December 2021)
Myanmar: Halt evictions, cease intimidation of residents – UN experts (2 December 2021)
Los Estados deben priorizar la salud y la igualdad sobre las ganancias y el acaparamiento de vacunas, señalan Expertos de la ONU (29 noviembre 2021)
UN human rights expert to visit Nepal to assess poverty (24 November 2021) – NEPALI
Lebanon – UN poverty expert says Government fails population (12 November 2021) – ARABIC
Statement by Professor Olivier De Schutter, United Nations Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights, on his visit to Lebanon (12 November 2021)
UN human rights expert to visit Lebanon to assess poverty (27 October 2021) – ARABIC
La desigualdad arraigada condena a los pobres durante generaciones, según un experto de la ONU (20 octubre 2021)
UN human rights experts urge States to create a global level playing field for responsible business conduct (19 October 2021)
UN Food Systems Summit marginalizes human rights and disappoints, say experts (22 September 2021)
Zambia must treat children suffering from lead poisoning, clean up former mine area – UN experts (29 July 2021)
India must halt mass eviction that threatens to leave 100,000 homeless – UN experts (16 July 2021)
El mundo debe prepararse para la próxima crisis creando ya un Fondo Mundial de Protección Social: experto de la ONU (30 junio 2021)
Pakistan: UN experts demand halt to mass evictions along Karachi’s watercourses (25 June 2021)
Expertos ONU: Los gobiernos del G-7 deben garantizar acceso a vacunas para los países en desarrollo (9 junio 2021)
Chile: Casi 40 años después, las víctimas de los residuos tóxicos suecos siguen sin tener remedio – expertos de la ONU (7 junio 2021)
Recuperación de la pandemia: Los derechos digitales, clave para un mundo inclusivo y resiliente (4 junio 2021)
Declaración conjunta de los expertos en derechos humanos de las Naciones Unidas para el Día Mundial del Medio Ambiente (4 junio 2021)
Unión Europea: Un experto de la ONU pide una Europa social ambiciosa y dice que el COVID debe provocar un replanteamiento (3 mayo 2021)
Indonesia: UN experts flag rights concerns over $3bln tourism project (31 March 2021)
Turkey: Withdrawal from Istanbul Convention is a pushback against women’s rights, say human rights experts (23 March 2021)
USA: UN experts urge far-reaching reforms on policing and racism (26 February 2021)
La UE debe reinventarse para ganar la lucha contra la pobreza, según un experto de la ONU (29 enero 2021)
Statement by Professor Olivier De Schutter, United Nations Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights, on his visit to the European Union (29 January 2021)
Disability is not a reason to sanction medically assisted dying – UN experts (25 January 2021)
España: Los cortes de electricidad ponen en peligro la vida de los niños y niñas en la Cañada Real – Expertos de la ONU (22 diciembre 2020)
34th anniversary of UN Declaration on the Right to Development (4 December 2020)
UN experts call for clemency for Lisa Montgomery after US Government reschedules execution (3 December 2020)
Building back better: People with disabilities have vital role (1 December 2020)
Governments must do more to prevent slavery and exploitation during COVID-19 pandemic (20 November 2020)
Experto en derechos humanos de la ONU evaluará el impacto de la política de la UE sobre la pobreza (18 noviembre 2020)
Declaración conjunta de los titulares de mandatos de los Procedimientos Especiales de la ONU en el Día Mundial del Saneamiento (16 noviembre 2020)
Expertos de la ONU aclaman el histórico tratado ambiental de América Latina y el Caribe (9 noviembre 2020)
No one is secure until all of us are secure: UN experts decry COVID vaccine hoarding (9 November 2020)
Statement by UN Human Rights Experts: Universal access to vaccines is essential for prevention and containment of COVID-19 around the world (9 November 2020)
Los Estados deben aunar la lucha contra la pobreza con la transición hacia una economía verde – Experto de la ONU (21 octubre 2020)
UN human rights forum to focus on poverty and inequalities (6 October 2020)
COVID-19: Experto en pobreza de la ONU afirma que las medidas de protección social están «llenas de agujeros», insta a un replanteamiento global (11 septiembre 2020)
UN human rights experts call for justice and accountability in response to Beirut explosion (13 August 2020)
Terminar con la pobreza para 2030 es ahora un sueño que se está desvaneciendo, dice un experto de la ONU (7 July 2020)
Human Rights Council holds interactive dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights (7 July 2020)
España: Pasarse la pelota en el tema de los trabajadores migrantes víctimas de explotación debe terminar, dice el experto de la ONU (26 junio 2020)
UN experts call for decisive measures to protect fundamental freedoms in China (26 June 2020)
Philippines: UN human rights experts renew call for an on-the-ground independent, impartial investigation (25 June 2020)
UN experts condemn modern-day racial terror lynchings in US and call for systemic reform and justice (5 June 2020)
Statement on the Protests against Systemic Racism in the United States (5 June 2020)
Experto de las Naciones Unidas insta a España a que amplíe la cobertura y la elegibilidad para acogerse al ingreso mínimo vital (3 junio 2020)
COVID-19: El sufrimiento y la resiliencia de las personas LGBT deben ser visibles e informar de las acciones de los Estados (14 mayo 2020)
Venezuela debe ofrecer medidas concretas para poner fin a la crisis humanitaria, dicen expertos de la ONU (6 mayo 2020)
Philip Alston (2014-2020)
Lao dam disaster: UN rights experts call for justice two years on (April 29, 2020)
Ireland’s Public Services Card discriminates against the marginalised, warns UN rights expert (April 21, 2020)
US COVID-19 strategy failing the poor, says UN expert (April 16, 2020)
Lebanon: UN experts decry incidents of excessive force against protesters (November, 26 2019)
Malaysia vastly undercounting poverty, says UN rights expert (August 23, 2019)
Malaysia: UN human rights expert visits to assess poverty (August 8, 2019)
UN expert condemns failure to address impact of climate change on poverty (June 25, 2019)
UN expert calls for reform of poverty-driving policies in Lao PDR (June 19, 2019)
UN expert laments UK’s ‘doubling down on failed anti-poor policies’ (May 22, 2019)
Zimbabwe policies hitting poor hardest, say UN rights experts (April 4, 2019)
UN expert: Lao PDR’s economic strategy entrenches poverty (March 28, 2019)
Laos: UN human rights expert visits to assess poverty (March 12, 2019)
UN poverty expert says UK policies inflict unnecessary misery (November 16, 2018)
UN human rights expert to visit UK to assess poverty (November 1, 2018)
UN poverty expert warns against tsunami of unchecked privatisation (October 19, 2018)
Ghana’s main economic initiatives will do little to reduce poverty, warns UN expert (20 June 2018)
«Contempt for the poor in US drives cruel policies,” says UN expert (4 June 2018)
Japan: Benefit cuts threaten social protection of the poor, UN rights experts warn (24 May 2018)
UN expert on extreme poverty to visit Ghana from April 9-18 (3 April 2018)
Put human rights at heart of development, Zeid urges Peru (25 October 2017)
International Day for the Eradication of Poverty – Tuesday 17 October 2017 (16 October 2017)
Death penalty disproportionately affects the poor, UN rights experts warn (6 October 2017)
End to Saudi driving ban for women should be just the first step – UN experts (28 September 2017)
Power shortages in Gaza deepening the humanitarian crisis, say UN rights experts (12 July 2017)
Embrace diversity and protect trans and gender diverse children and adolescents (16 May 2017)
“Saudi Vision 2030 could be a catalyst for realizing women’s rights” – UN expert (19 January 2017)
UN expert on extreme poverty and human rights to visit Saudi Arabia (29 December 2016)
Human rights under increasing attack worldwide (9 December 2016)
Brazil 20-year public expenditure cap will breach human rights, UN expert warns (9 December 2016)
UN expert on extreme poverty and human rights to visit China (10 August 2016)
Inter-American Commission on Human Rights financial crisis (3 June 2016)
“AIDS epidemic still being driven by human rights violations” – UN experts warn (3 June 2016)
“As the Covenants turn 50, it is time to turn norms into action” – UN experts (9 December 2015)
Romania “in denial about extent of poverty, UN human rights expert says (11 November 2015)
Poverty in Chile risks being overlooked, says UN human rights expert (24 March 2015)
UN expert on extreme poverty and human rights visits Chile at crucial crossroads (12 March 2015)
Human rights impact must be addressed in vulture fund litigation – UN experts (27 November 2014)
Far more than charity needed to lift 2.2 billion people out of poverty for good (17 October 2014)