(23 May to 3 June 2022)
23 May: Bishkek
- Meeting with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Meeting with women experiencing domestic violence and trafficking
- Visit to an informal settlement in Altyn-Kazyk
- Visit to a shelter for people experiencing houselessness
- Visit to Nizhne-Serafimsky public hospital
24 May: Bishkek
- Meeting with the Ministry of Labour, Social Protection and Migration
- Meeting with civil society organizations on the social, economic, and cultural rights of persons experiencing poverty
- Meeting with persons with disabilities
- Visit to Kelecheck informal settlement and meal distribution center
25 May: Naryn
- Meeting with persons experiencing poverty, including returning migrants, in Naryn
- Visit to a boarding school and workers’ dormitory
26 May: Naryn
- Meeting with Naryn local government
- Meeting with families experiencing poverty in Naryn oblast
27 May: Osh
- Meeting with Deputy Mayor on Social Rights in Osh City
- Visit to a workers’ dormitory
- Meeting with Mugat community
- Visit to a shelter for persons experiencing houselessness
- Visit to a local branch of the Ministry of Labour, Social Protection and Migration in Nookat
28 May: Batken
- Visit with Batken local government
- Visit to a center for children with disabilities and their families
- Meeting with older persons experiencing poverty
29 May: Sulukta and Leilek
- Meeting in Sulukta with older persons and women and youth groups experiencing poverty
- Meeting in Razakov with beneficiaries of a food-for-training program
30 May: Bishkek
- Meeting with the Ombudsman for Business
- Meeting with the Ministry of Economy
- Meeting with the Ministry of Finance
- Meeting with the National Statistical Committee
- Meeting with the Commissioner for Children’s Rights
31 May: Bishkek
- Meeting with the Social Fund
- Meeting with deputies of the Jogorku Kenesh (Parliament)
- Joint meeting with Ministry of Health and Mandatory Health Insurance Fund
- Meeting with Supreme Court
- Meeting with the Ombudsman of the Kyrgyz Republic
1 June: Bishkek
- Meeting with Bishkek local government
- Meeting with the Ministry of Education and Science
- Meeting with the Ministry of Agriculture
- Meeting with Ministry of Justice
- Policy roundtable with international development partners
- Meeting with UN Country Team
2 June: Bishkek
- No events scheduled
3 June: Bishkek
- Meeting with Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other ministries
- Press conference in Bishkek at 11:30 and one-to-one interviews by request